What: Installation
When: 2016
Where: Kunsthall Grenland
Size: 50 m2
By: Kolab Arkitekter, By Proxy, Rikke Runde
With: Grenland Friteater, PIT, Kunsthall Grenland, Norsk Kulturråd, Telemark Fylkeskommune and Fond for Frilansere.
The YOU! Signal is a performative installation that acts as a temporary space centre. It invites its visitors to send a message to the universe, after passing through a careful selection of rooms and moods. The signal is transmitted by a large antenna mounted at the roof of the building, transmitting the message out to travel through the infinite space for eternity. The installation, including a reception, an office, a space for contemplation and a radio room with a radio transmitter was located at Kunsthall Grenland during Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival. Concept by By Proxy